...little munchkins. god they crack me up

So its been a qhile since I've blogged it, but here are a few things that have been going on...
Me: No, no, its I haven't seen you in a while.
Little 4th grade muchkin: I haven't seen you in a qwhile.
Me: ...cringe. Not 'qwuile' While....get it?
Little 4th grade muchkin: Qwhile
Me: WWWWWAAA, WAAA, Waaahile
Little 4th grade muchkin: Qwhile
ANNND, this is goin on. Got the writing portion of the GRE may 7th in Seoul, then the Verbal and Math on June 12 in Kwangju. It was quite annoying signing up for it, but its all good now, just gotta do REALLY good.
PROTRACTED (choose the antonym)
A. expeditious
B. extenuated
C. egalitarian
D. temporal
E. engendered
In a class of 78 students 41 are taking French, 22 are taking German and 9 students are taking both French and German. How many students are not enrolled in either course?
A. 6
B. 15
C. 24
D. 33
E. 54
Present your perspective on the issue below, using relevant reasons and/or examples to support your views.
"Important truths begin as outrageous, or at least uncomfortable, attacks upon the accepted wisdom of the time."
...barf. (it's saturday, and thats literally what I did all week for 3 hrs a day).
The semester started on March 1st after my gorgeous month and a half vacation. I went in fully expecting hunni (homegirl) to be my co-teacher, and homeboy (kwon) to be the other one. Instead, I walked into an empty teacher room, and sat there for 3 hrs until someone showed up. I called EVERYONE associated with the school and they just told me to stay in the teacher room.
...haha - not like I need to know whats up.
Then finally she (below) walks in, Hannah, aka one of the sweetest people in the entire UNIVERSE. She and I are teaching 3rd and 4th graders.

Bahha, this is S.V. He's my boy, I took him into Moes the other night and he had WAY too much...haha, we taught him all about guy code and how not right it is to talk in the bathroom. Korean's like to pee in the urinal, with the person they're in the bathroom with. the. same. urinal. hahah.
Oh and that's called Mandu, Korean dumplings, those had tuna in them. So, so good.

Haha, it took me like 5 minutes to convience these ladies to take pictures with me. Its not because of my ugly mug, its cause of their insecurties that are the same with EVERY lady here...haha, its funny.
Anyway, this is Jane Austen, (her english name, man I wish i could have chose an 'english name')...but, shes also one of the nicest people in the world who gave me the BEST present EVER. You'll hear about that later...We teach 6th graders only and she is a HUGE baseball fan, and knows MUCH better English than homeboy did.

Seriously, these ladies are awesome. But I've got one more co-teacher that is not pictured as she was too busy for me. I really feel for them, they work REALLY hard all week and I just sit there and study. It's an interesting professional relationship, I understand that its their class and i'm their co-teacher. When it comes to bills, buying groceries that i cannot pronounce or fixing my internet, thats when they're my co-teacher.
This is...the gym teacher. I don't know his name and he doesn't know English. Somehow though, we are able to communicate and make each other laugh. Things like, loosing my phone in my back pocket, sighing exhaustively after studying all day. Rubbing my stomach and saying, good, GOD that was good. He doesn't know what I say, but he knows what I mean.

Anyway, back to the best present ever.
What happens when ya add this (below)
This is...the gym teacher. I don't know his name and he doesn't know English. Somehow though, we are able to communicate and make each other laugh. Things like, loosing my phone in my back pocket, sighing exhaustively after studying all day. Rubbing my stomach and saying, good, GOD that was good. He doesn't know what I say, but he knows what I mean.

Anyway, back to the best present ever.
What happens when ya add this (below)
with this....???
...this happens (BAHAH)