Monday, January 25, 2010

...teacher game

...don't leave a bear costume out at a bar. this will happen!

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Just like the PC room, the Training was a HAPPY TIME!!!

Wednesday Jan. 20th

9:12 AM

Woah, its been a while but this month and a half has been NUTS. I went literally, from having 2 months off to…one week, to one month…back to two months off. Now it looks like I’m done next Friday until March. Giving me all of February off. Which is good…

Again, its hard to complain when ya got a month off…

Anyway, we’ll start in Seoul for this ‘orientation’ that would have been BRILLIANT 3 and a half months ago – but after doing this, I knew a lot of what they were lecturing us on.

For instance, we were told how to co-teach for 3 hrs. Cool pics outside the dorm though.

Basically, be professional. I met some good people up there, the most interesting a guy named Jim.

Living the American dream – 9 to 5, nice car and house, 33 years old working in Insurance. Making damn good money…but he ended up bailing for Korea about a month ago. Gotta love that.

I met a bunch of South Africans too, mistaked them all for Australians…which is kinda near it eh? (eh: gotta stop haing out with canadians). It was rough, 8 in the morning til 8:30 at night. We had a midnight curfew too. Like, they would lock the doors with a chain…seemed like a fire hazard if ya ask me. All I'm saying, make sure not to leave a bear costume out a bar, someone WILL put it on...

Then got back to Moggie, and started my English camp. Last week was all 3rd graders which were ADORABLE. God they make me laugh. Taught them 4 non-blondes, “what’s going on”

Ahaha, hahaha….HAHAH.

First we went to the National Museum of Korea:

Haha, a friend of our's Brian got talked into talking to students. He was hysterical!

The frozen "swimming" area...

The old school coffins. They were never Jewish...right?

I like to think, that if I lived in that time, and there was a statue made after me...I'd be this guy.

We went to the Korean War Museum:

Quick pic of the DMZ...not the real one ;)

(A mash unit)

I think that's hawkeye above!


It says: fight or die. there was a huge battle a middle school in Busan before the UN got involved. this helmet was recovered off a middle school girl who was fighting. once the north took over busan, the UN and everyone got involved. I do mean everyone. Its crazy how far this country has come.

A lot of countries were involved...

The total casualty report. Including the UN and Korea

Just the people killed from Texas....

This was a tear drop of dog tags of the soldiers killed - if you can see it, the sand makes a ripple.

Friday Jan. 22nd

1: 54 p.m

Week went well, lessons kicked some buuuut! Kids had fun. Vice Principal had fun watching me, bit intimidating. I think he’s trying to learn too…I don’t know.

...never give a camera to the kid in the first row. this will happen, i was in the middle of saying: "exactly"

We were playing this game called 'directions' (be sure to air quote on that). Kid puts on a blindfold, and the students YELL "left, right, strait, backwards." Then, it was Mike teacher's turn to go. So, I look at the clock, its noon.

I get taken outside by a 3rd grader, says: "mike teacher, goodbye, i come back..."

Then, they created a maze for Mike teacher to go through. Requiring, kneeling (not crawling, just knelling). Then, crawling...then I had to pass the 'gate keeper': rock paper sissors. Had to win first. All whilst blindfolded. Kids are loving it and SCREAMING english, it was pretty amazing. They knew every word for every action Mike teacher was doing.

The vice principal was watching the whole time, laughing his little korean booty off.

Have my back man, help me out, the maze was tricky.

Anyway, this is my: "what are you trying to say little one" face.

Well, anyway, that's mike teacher...

목포에서 환호!!!!!!!

Dad I hope you read this from Korea!