So, weeks after starting this blog without a start date. Shane at Canadian Connections has given me 2 of them, first on aug 14th, the second, on aug 24th. Over the last few days i've been getting all the stuff done, so provided I pull all that off...I'll be on a plane to go to South Korea, on Augest 24th.
Sad thing is, Rachel comes to Tejas the 25th, and Meghan the 23rd...so close.
Yet, it does look like I can remove the question mark from the title of this blog as everything seems to be setting up pretty nicely. Kinda crazy yes...i copied and pasted all the information from the 'job offer' email. The important ones at least
Salary: 2.1 million KRW (1700 dollars a month)
City Size: 300,000
Grades: 3-6
Working Hours: 9-5 mon. through friday
Transporation: School is in walkin distance
Holy God.
Anyway, so thats that. I'm going!!!!!! BAHAHAHAHA
(although the state of texas' server is 'down' so i cant get my crimial record notarized til monday, ugh...eh?)
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