Monday Nov. 15
8:30 a.m.
Damn its cold. I wore under armor underneth my 3 piece suit today. Don’t judge, I can’t feel my fingers as I type. Under armor is the stuff that football players wear when its cold. I know im no football player, but damn its cold, and I don’t wanna be cold. So…HA. It’s a bit of a tool thing to do to wear under armor…but then again I’ve got a black shirt with really dark black pokadots. It’s the only black dress shirt available in asia, seriously, I checked.
So…umm, is Korea making me soft?
Fantastic weekend though, gotta say…I met my neighbor Joel, really good guy…very interested in what I’ve got to say. He cooked some bbq, which was FANTASTIC!
8:37 a.m.
I’m supposed to teach with homegirl all week but homeboy just let me know that I’ve gotta teach his two classes after I teach with homegirl. So, 6 classes. 4 with fifth graders and 2 with 6th graders. Yeee hawwww!!!So funny story from this weekend, I hopped a cab from my apt to Moes and the cab driver started speaking english to me…kinda went like this….
Me: New York Bahhh (bar, but the ‘r’ is a bit weird here)
Cab driver: Sounds good man
Me: Uh, you know English?
Cab driver: ohh, very little
Me: Nice, you’re very good
Cab driver: thanks! (then he turns up the music)
Radio: …don’t make it bad, you can take a sad song and make it better. Remember to
Me: to make it better, better better BETTER BETTER BETTER WAAAAA
(THEN the radio cuts off, at the best part of anysong in the history of ever, didn’t stop mr cabbie though, he kept jamming out. Show must go on guys!! )
Me: Dude, uh…its Jude.
Me: Uh, we’ll go with it…
Then it we pulled up to Moes as about 12 of my friends were watching us just, make a complete ass out of ourselvs. It was AWESOME!
10:44 a.m.
ANNNNYWAY, little Jason has a brother. Jason is a 3rd grader from San Francisco and his brother is Jordan. They look A LOT alike!!! Apparently Jordan doesn’t like being called Jason. Haha, whoops.Jordan says to me: dude, you’re from texas but you don’t have an accent. I explained the differences between ‘cool’ texas and…well the rest of texas. You should know what I mean. Jordan’s a 6th grader with a bit of a chip on his shoulder about learning english…wonder why?
9:48 p.m.
The Dallas Cowboys suck. Ugh.Tuesday Nov. 16th
8:32 a.m.
I just got a big pat on the back from my principal. Literlly, he smacked me on my back…a bit harder than I would have expected. I got here like 5 minutes ago and I pulled up a psyche article I’ve been reading. I’m at that point with all the graphs and stuff. The stuff I usually skip over (no one understands it, really)…and principal man goes: you work very hard, I like this. Smack!!!
Honestly, it kinda hurt.
11:01 a.m.
Thank god no ‘thatta boy’ from the prinicpal. Got one of those from an old lady and a collegue of mine. Big test today for all my kids…so I’m done at 11. Hm. Now what?
Wednesday Nov. 17th
8:48 a.m.So, big trip planned for sometime today. No idea where, or with who, or when or…well a majority of the: who, what, when, why, how…haha, oh how I love Korea. Seriously its awesome.
Ahhh dankas. Gooooooood stuff. Man dude for real its this deep fried steak (pork), cheese in the middle. Covered in ‘bar-b-que’ sauce. Num. freaking. NUMS!!!!
Friday, November 20
2 months ago, I was supposed to leave for Mokpo. I remember sitting at Sean Patricks drinking a Ziegen Bock thinking: SHANE CALL ME!!!!!!!!!
Sigh, all is well.
Anyway, I’ve got the morning off then I’ve got 3 classes of third graders. Little munchinks who are SO SCARED of talking to me. I feel so bad. They talk REAL loud in groups, especially when I say…what?!? But one on one, they’re just intimidated. As any 3rd grader, in any culture. Would be talking to a foreinger, using their language.
Anyway, its time to teach…But I’ll leave ya with this: North Korea has reported NO cases of Swine Flu.
…hmmmm I wonder why?!?
I shall also show you around my apartment:

ya walk in, around a fridge to the....