There's Hunni (aka homegirl), me and the gym teacher (no clue what his name is)
Wednesday 11-4
Wednesday 11-4
I taught alone today….it was uh…interesting. The co-teacher bailed on me half-way through the first class, so…I was alone…like ALONE alone. 30 korean kids, 4 times in a day….and just me. Not like last time alone. Like, the REAL definition ….of alone. I was a little weirded out by the whole thing. I guess I never realized that the kids would take me so seriously. When I talk. They stop. It was weird. Its all good, I've got my random stuff from home like my trusty cowboy woody:

it wasn't til recently that i found out i accidentally bought a doll of my good friend Josh....

Little girl: ….teeee heee
Me: hiiii
Little girl: …..tee heee hee
Me: good morning
Little girl: hello michael(r) teacher.
Friday 11-6
Uh, yeah, taught some english. Ate some great food. Got on Dallascowboys.com.....then facebook....That’s my day.
I've named her Tracy. I don't know why...
Monday 11-9
Monday 11-9
Pardon the lack of bloggage, but there hasn’t really been anything going on. I’ve had a great weekend, with all my Canadian/British buds. Met a girl from Seguin on Friday, we spent most of the night making fun of Seguin. It’s a small freaking world. Seriously, like 92.55% of the foreigner’s here are from Canada. Remember, from just outside Toronto. Not, toronto.

(that's Neil..the tall one - he's from canada, tricks everyone, and Joe...good guys)
Anyway, the kids go to school from 9 AM til 2 PM with us. Then they’re off to private academy’s to learn whatever. Math academy, English academy, Karate…whatever. They’re there til like 10 PM!!! Poor 5th graders have 13 hr days, and like 5 hrs sleep. Poor kiddos!
Tuesday 11-10
Well yesterday was quite productive, taught 4 classes of energetic, borderline crazy 4th graders. They’re fun though!!!! Funny moment in class when we were going over “sorry, I can’t.” Homeboy (just found out how to say his name…Kwon…pretty easy :-\...) anyway, K - won and I were going over “sorry I can’t” and he was playing a song that is still stuck in my head. I was kinda out of it all day, and wasn’t really ‘paying attention’ (air quote!!)…and, uh…yeah…He goes: mike….mike ….mike ….mike, can you pronounce this?
Its not good for the teacher to have a.d.d
Wednesday 11-11
11:44 a.m.Haha, whoops on yesterday. Happy vet’s day!! Great lunch today, I was supposed to teach 6 times today – it changed to 2 classes this morning. Homie’s gotta go to a wedding…(who has a wedding on Wednesday???)
5:55 p.m.
Ahhh, just got my hair cut at the E-mart (I think it stands for everything mart…haha) Old korean lady shaved my head and washed my hair for me. Rubbed my ears and used a que-tip to dry off my ears. It was kinda odd, “I’m like dwoode, hows a towel ay?”
I just said (typed) ay – I gotta stop hanging out with canadains…next thing I know I’ll be loving hockey and afraid of the dark…haha
Thursday 11-12
Quick week so far, all the sudden its Thursday. Taught a few kids the ‘rock on’ sign, similar to that of the longhorn. In case you don’t know….. Again, phenominal lunch today!! Good gravy that’s like, the second best part of my day. For. Real.
The best is when I get to teach one-on-one with the munchins. Theres this left-tackle kid in one of my classes. I’m sure I’ve mentioned him before. Who is he?!? Well I’m glad you asked…
About 11, maybe 12. 5 ft. 7in. 160 to 190 lbs. Dude, is, massive. He’s got a very, like ganster – laurence fishburn voice….and I call him left-tackle because one day…he WILL play left tackle for UT.
Anyway, he’s having a hard time with this lesson and I love it when I can teach him one-on-one and he finally gets it. It’s a pretty cool feeling. Then (as reinforcment) we always ‘fist-bump’ or as fox news called it…’terrorist bump’ (air quote!!) when he gets something right. I finally taught him to blow it up…going….
…boooooomahhhh (not a fart sound…you know what it sounds like…whatever)
Friday 11-13
9:12 a.m.
Lucky 13, I’ve got the morning off then its 4 classes. I had plans to go to Seoul this weekend but they fell through, we’re gonna try again next weekend. Stupid rain. I handed in my man card at a convient mart when I bought an umbrella. Its for my backpack that I carry my computer in. Seriously, Korea’s making me soft.
12:50 p.m.
So, apparently no more teaching today. Rock on. Wow.
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