Gotta admit, Muju was awesome. That is almost everyone, right to left we've got....Jo, Marie, Steve (superman, or clark kent) alex, roger, liam, shelly (bending down), emily, sarah, amy, me, jon and jen.
There was a sign that said: "Muju Ski Resort, Its a happy time!"
It was an amazing trip, its about 3 hrs away
from Mokpo and freaking cold!
Stevo and I were riding the lift to the other side of the mountain, as we thought...ended up going to the top....
We asked these Koreans if this is advanced or was 'advanceeed.'
Whoops, tis a bit steep...
Haha, I went anyway, this poor kid thought I was taking a pic of him...
Nope, just the black diamond I went down!!!!
Seriously about a 10000 mphs, I said "just don't knock out your teeth"
There were a LOT of people, and we got lift passes from 10:00 PM to midnight, around 70 bucks. it was a bit scary for the rookies of skiing...
Nope, just the black diamond I went down!!!!
Seriously about a 10000 mphs, I said "just don't knock out your teeth"
Let me paint you a word picture...
Liam was on the bunny hill (right there) and I was way far away and I heard in his Georgia accent..."there are too many damn koreans!!"
...we're in Korea buddy (jen, hahaha)
Seriously can't believe I'm alive after skiing this...
So when I was flying down, I missed the exit for the hill Steve was on, and I just fell to the ground in awe that I was alive and this dude goes....
Korean Guy: Have a happy time??
Me: ahhh, bahhh, ahhhhh, ohhhh, AMAZING!!!! 2nd time, 2nd time
Korean Guy: bahh, pable...!
‘Pable’ in Korean means stupid…haha, down he went on the green.
Anyway, I've got the week off so I'll throw up a few more blogs about China and Vietnam...
Cheers from Mogggie mokpo!!!
Cheers from Mogggie mokpo!!!
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