(we'll get to this later)
8:02 a.m.
Although it could be nervous laughter, like ‘thats not a good thing’ laughter…or, like.."i dont understand you, mike" the worst, ‘fill the silence’ laughter.
I got to school around 8…found out about a staff meeting through gmail last night. It’s at 8:15, and I’m just waiting around for it to start. Its kinda a bit like this…
서비스 약관 · 지적재산권 구제센터 · 스팸 가이드라인 · 개인정보취급방침 · 청소년보호정책 · 보안센터 · 이메일 무단수집거부 · 고객센터 스팸 가이드라인 · 개인정보취급방침인 · 개인정보취급방침 · 청소년보호정책 · 보안센터 · 이메일 무단수집거부 · 고객센터 스팸 가이드라인 · 개인정보취급방침
인 · 개인정보취급방침 · 청소년보호정책 · 보안센터 · 이메일 무단수집거부 · 고객센터 스팸 가이드라인 · 개인정보취급방침
인 · 개인정보취급방침 · 청소년보호정책 · 보안센터 · 이메일 무단수집거부 · 고객센터 스팸 가이드라인 · 개인정보취급인 · 개인정보취급방침 · 청소년보호정책 · 보안센터 · 이메일 무단수집거부 · 고객센터 스팸 가이드라인 ·인 · 개인정보취급방침 · 청소년보호정책 · 보안센터 · 이메일 무단수집거부 · 고객센터 스팸 가이드라인 · 개인정보취급방침
(for about a half hour)
Its pretty funny for me cause I can KINDA tell whats going on based off their expressions. Like when they’re getting their asses chewed, or when just one teacher is getting their ass chewed. Or when they’re having a SERIOUS talk about swine flu…haha, its just a flu guys…come on!
Anyway, theres some little kid in here, who’s from America apparently. He was born there, he can speak a lot better english than my co-teachers, and lady co-teacher’s talking to him…haha listen (read) this…
Lady co-teacher: your….voice is...kind of…uh…how you say
Little kid: a little quiet?
Lady co-teacher: yes….it need…it needs…to be a more…loud
Little kid: ok, got it
Lady co-teacher: Now we have some sort of, audition, can you…(points to the door)
Little kid: go outside, and audition?
The little kid was speaking in normal pace english, but home girl is talking reallllly slow. Its interesting, honestly, just interesting that this little kid is fluent in both Korean and English, he’s good!
Dude I may give my co-teacher’s a hard time about not knowing the english language that well, but they are GOOD teachers. I mean that, they really are. They are so nice too, so accomadating. They’ll go out of their way for me, and act as if its nothing. That’s kinda the norm here.
Crap, 8:14 now…gotta go to this meeting!!
8:17 a.m.
Soooooo…I didn’t have to go…haha, I guess I don’t understand it anyway so….? I don’t teach til 9 today so I’ve got some time to kill. Met up with a canadian named Joe last night, had a few beers and talked sports. He’s a huge maple leafs fan…that’s baseball right. JUST KIDDING!
Anyway, I just got an email from the director of the Sports Psychology program at Florida State. I asked him what’s a ‘guarantee’ score is for admittance on the GRE. He said, 1150 is avg…1200 is high.
So, 1 billion it is!!! God that’s a hard test. I’ve got til June to apply, so all sorts of time.
12:45 p.m.
Mother of GOD that lunch was good!!!! I love the lunches here, they’re so freaking good. I can’t even describe what it was, its too hard…I’ll have to snap a picture of it one day. Two things I can’t get pass here…the food, and the nice-ness of the people.
Class was class, I recorded me teaching for JB and Sandy…and I’ll have to figure out a way to put it on here. Few pretty funny recordings! I’ll TRY to email a few of them, doubt it will work though. I’m working with a stupid program.
2:59 p.m.
I’m looking up GRE stuff…man, this is lame, who cares about analogies?!? Stupid test…
All the teacher’s here got mcdonalds from some parent, they MADE me have a big mac…wouldn’t let me say no. After that lunch it was tough to get down!
3:39 p.m.
I just got stopped by two 5th grader kids…they go: awww I want to go to the english speaking contest!!!
Lady co-teacher and I had to choose the best english speaker. She and I chose the dude from America. As, he’s fluent. ;). Well, not ‘fluent’ just can pronuciate very well, doesn’t have a very good vocab though. But that’s where I come in
I’m taking to these kids and I say: …
Me: well I’m sorry, but we already chose who’s going to speak. I’m sorry!!!!
She goes: but I want to go tomorrow!!! (all whiney…WHINEY)
Me: I’ll go ask if ya can!!
(They wouldn’t let me go to the bathroom for like 10 minutes. Just saying how bad they wanted to go…it was kinda funny. But I really had to pee!!! So they didn’t follow me into the bathroom and lady co-teacher said they can go to the contest and watch) THANK GOD I GOT TO PEE!!!
I’ve got BIG plans tonight, haha, nah not really. Just run over to a place called KTX and grab some coffee with some non-korean people. Lots of canadians, few americans and ….one tiny little british guy. In the spirit of the productivity today and the GRE…we’ll do an anology!!!
Now, for a recap of today’s lesson. Lets find out the answer to this anaology! Let’s face it, the term ‘tiny little british guy’ is quite amusing. Leading us to believe…
1) its HORRIBLE to think that because this guy is like 5 ft, very scronny and who always wears a top hat… its funny to use this term ‘tiny little british guy’
2) He is quite the character and can very easily pull off the top hat, ‘oh me lucky charms’
3) I am treaing a quite serious height issue (that I also suffer from) with inappropriate and deliberate humor…(i.e facetious)
4) Therefore, this is a ‘true, true’ anaology.
A…KOREA : HORRIBLE FOOD can’t be right…as the food is AMAZING!!! SERIOUSLY EVEN THE FREAKING BIG MACS ARE AWESOME. I’m not sure if it was beef in there, but the market across the street has dead cows hanging in their stores…hm. HANGING!!! I wanted to go in there and start punching them though…pull a Rocky!
B…GYM TEACHER : DATEABLE could be right. But she doesn’t speak english in case you didn’t recall. So therefore, she is (granted) freaking HOT, but not ‘dateable’ as she doesn’t fulfill my newest ‘number one’ on my long list of attributes MUST be fulfiled before any type of ‘relationship status’ change occurs.
(be sure to air quote whenever I use quotes, its an interactive blog!) If you don’t know what air quoting is, simply visit any of John McCain’s speechs during his election campaign. You’re sure to see a few…(see top picture ;) )
C…GRE : STUPID could be right…while I do (personally) agree that it is border line audacious to judge someone based off ONE test ONE time, (just like our old friend the SAT does) it will save those of us with 2.71 last 60 hr. GPA’s…only .29 pts away from minimum requirements at most graduate schools. Remember college algebra?!? Yeah has no impact, 2.71 last ‘60 hr’ GPA. Meaning since Cant.terbury last year…
…remember the air quotes…pull a McCain!
D…CANADIANS : AUSTINITES could be right. They are quite similar but not a simple, true-true answer. (I mean that, they’re pretty damn cool people) The right answer is therefore… E!!!!
E… PEE WHEN YOU LAUGH REALLY, REALLY HARD : MY MOTHER. This is the exact RIGHT answer. This is a PERFECT, ‘true-true’ relationship. Granted doesn’t happen EVERY time, but it is a goal of Cori and I’s. Be it throwing pens at her butt, or (hopefully) by the time she’s finished reading one of these blogs she says…
…wait, wait…wait, wait,…WAIT-AH…oh I gotta go to the bathroom!!! AHHHH!!!
BAHAHAHAHAHA, what a good session class. Haha, I guess I’ve got teaching (and a bit of alcohol from last night) in my blood!
Dude there is a kid in one of my classes that looks EXACTLY like the little kid from Indiana Jones!!!
4:05 p.m.
Anyway (needless to say), I’m not going to promise that’s the last anology we’ll do. I’m still just hanging out, found a vitimin water around the corner at the store. (not on the street). The Koreans pronounce it just like the British do…I’ll do my best to type it out phonetically, but, whoo…
Vit.ah.men. I guess. Cori will know how to pronounce it, Thanks BEAR GRYLSS!!!
Anyway, weird the Korean’s do that eh? Apparently the last native speaker that was here, Judy…lives in ‘Nebraska.’ (AIR QUOTE!!!) She’s originally from England so, there are a few funny nuances between the dialects.
I wondered why my co-teacher said the word (and I quote)…in a korean accent. oh, chappy. It took me all week to realize that she didn’t say cRappy.
By the way, hopefully you stuck with me and ‘air quoted’ on the ‘Nebraska.’ The reason we ‘air quote’ on ‘Nebraska’ is due to the fact that its ‘Nebraska.’ A small state north of Texas and south of Canada, filled with nothing to do. Except watch a sub-par college football team, or visit one of the many corn fields around. Maybe even drive down a road for 3 and a half hours and not make a turn. That’s why we ‘air quote’ ‘Nebraska.’
Haha, whats my deal with ‘Nebraska,’ never been. Why did this vit.ah.men water change into nebraska-hater-ade
4:12 p.m.
AAAAAAAAAANYWAY. So its like 4:13 right now. Took me a minute to write that…really did. I’ve gotten a kick out of myself today. I’ve been oddly productive this week. For real…read like 3 psyche articles (the long ass ones from Texas State’s database). I’ve studied for the GRE, I’ve talked to many of professors from Grad Schools and taught 11 classes! Also, showed the co-teacher’s Jason Mraz’s REAL music, not just “I’m yours”
…she loves that song (youtube it. he does a GREAT version in Korea, its really good, the ending’s pretty funny)
Last time I heard “I’m your’s” I was driving around San Marcos, hot as hell…no gas…no time…stuck on aquarena with some POS Izuzu ahead of me going like 10 mph…Damn you 94.7…damn you
Which brings us to a debacle, do we air quote on “I’m yours?!??”
Nay, we simply read through and do not interact as, “”’s are used for conversations…or song titles. Yes, it’s the English language according to mikey…!
Mwahahahah, TAKE THAT ‘OXFORD’ (air quote, air quote for the whole experience)
Anyway, yes, uh, co-teachers learned about Jason Mraz on youtube. Dude, for real…look it up he’s pretty freaking awesome. All his mainstream songs he does good randitions of.
…why did I just go Yoda on that?
I’ve also met a BUNCH of foreigner’s, paid for it in the morning. Seriously I go to bed around 10, 10:30 everynight. Get up at 6. I’m a working man, MAN!!! And old apparently, who goes to bed that early and is dead all day?
Ah, its time to leave you now. I apologize for the length of this. But the length is always a ‘function’ of the amount of classes I teach each day. I leave you with something to consider…
Do illiterate people get the full effect of Alphabet soup?
...cheers from mokpo!