The old downtown in Mokpo
10-21-09 12:23 p.m.
So, this will be a two-day span worth of bloggage. Tomorrow’s the first day that I teach alone – 4 classes of 5th graders with the same lesson. I’ll do that once every 2 weeks….Maybe. Again, no idea! The lesson’s consist of 4 parts, and the 4th part of the lesson I’m supposed to teach alone. Every class is on a different part of the lecture – so I have no clue when I teach alone. Good times. I’m on that tomorrow…
Seriously nothing interesting happened in the last few days, hence the lack of bloggage.
10-22-09 8:50 am.
So, in 10 minutes I’ll be teaching 30 of 5th grade Korean kids how to speak english alone…alone, alone. Like no co-teacher there for any type of classroom management. So, we’ll see how this goes. 4 classes of 5th graders from 9 til noon. 40 minute classes…no Korean teacher back up. Its all on me. Hm, I’ve been told it’s a little odd that co-teachers don’t come to class – but its not uncommon. They it, and its kind of part of the whole Korean experience.
9:44 a.m
OH thank god for hangman. FLEW through the lesson today – it was the school’s lesson book they gave me and it didn’t take 40 minutes. It took 20. So for like 15 minutes we played hangman…good times. Then we played “whats this” with my body. Don’t be dirty, it turned into head…shoulds back and toes BACK AND TOES…I don’t think I have that right. Google just told me its, KNEES and toes…haha…whoops :-\
The kids schooled me on my hangman ideas. For real, they were really good!
3 more classes today, hopefully home girl will join me in the classes as she just did. Its nice to have her around to speak Korean if the kids get all nuts. She just sits there and watches but, she’ll yell at students in Korean if that’s needed…or explain the directions I just gave.
10:47 a.m. (dramatic music)
Whoooooo – damn these kids are good at hangman. Serioulsy here was my phrase: “ I sat down on my couch in my living room, put my feet up and relaxed.” THEY’RE FIFTH GRADERS FROM KOREA!!! Ugh, they’re going down next class – for real!!!
12:28 p.m.
Sigh, theres a little girl that looks identical to a friend of mine from San Marcos, Yere. I call her ‘yere’ and she is very confused to why…I would do this. I need to stop, lets be honest. Hah, I’ll just give her this american name…that way there’s no confusion. HA! Take that!
Anyway, again nothing all that eventful happened today. I got my rent bill today and an internet bill. Its all in thousands so my bill was 430,000 won, so around $430 for rent – the school picks that up. The internet bill was 7800 won so its like…$7.80? I’m not sure if that’s right, I’m sure it will go up next month.
I’ve got one more class today at 1:30 and uh, that’s….thats, that. I’ve got nothing interesting to say today. Sorry, no anologies or anything fun. Just hangman and Koreans. Good times!
Little idea of the economy over here:
Kia Motors top of the line car: 22, 480, 000 --- that’s 22, 480. It’s a nice freaking car!
Dinner: 9,000 won for two to eat at this place around the corner. $9 bucks
Coffee: 2500 for a Medium Americano (american style sizes) $2.50
Beer: 2,000 for a half pint – 2 bucks, that’s kinda cheap. Its $5000 for a full pint
Cabs: 2300 start, then it goes to around 2800 or 3000 for a ride to school. (3 bucks ride!)
Electric Bill: 17,694…$17.69 (woah)
Water Bill: 7,289…$7.28 (that’s normal I think for a one bedroom) oh and I shower…THANKS
2 liter coke (yeah that’s right Favra): 1000 won…that’s a dollar for 2 liters…!
2:05 p.m.
Dude, my freaking phrase for hangman was: “I like to relax when I get off work at my house on my couch. Then I like to go into the front yard and play football.” They got it in 5 minutes. Do they really need me????
Anyway, if nothing very cool happens in the next few hours…cheers!!!
9:47 p.m.
Just got back from Moes – the bartenders (two sisters) there said I look like eminem…
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