Friday, October 9, 2009

3rd graders: Got left hanging by an 8 year-old Korean boy

10:43 a.m: 20 minute break

Haha, today I taught my first two of 4 classes today, with 3rd graders! They love high-fives and so I must constantly keep my hand up to keep from getting sccccch-mackedahhhh These kids are, well, nuts. They’re fun, they’re all about seeing a foreigner, but still a little nuts.

Based on what the kids thought I would either do my 5 minute or 10 minute spiel with my license plate, hat, ESPN magazine and cowboy thingey that I’ve named ‘Woody.’
We learned that monkeys are small, and bears are big. We were singing and singing and my co-teacher forced me to do an accapella version of the song we were doing so I did my best to rap it out.

Dude seriously Cori/Addie, the songs you hear on Dora everyday got NOTHING on these. I have to start bringing my iPod to just kill the song that’s stuck in my head.

Bear bear its so big, bear bear its so big. Its so big, its so big, oh, its so big!
Monkey monkey its so small, monkey monkey its so small, its so small, its so small, oh its so small!

We’ve got another class in about 5 minutes, and I think its 3rd graders all day today. Good times, their energy rivals Claire after espresso cake.

It was REALLY funny when my co-teacher was going over ‘bedrooms’ with the 5th graders, she goes…

Lady co-teacher: You’re in puberty now, you need own room!!
Little girl in front row: no!!! (disgusted look on face)

I’m just chilling right now in the ‘rest room’ ( yes I think bathroom as well but it’s the teacher lounge ) and all the kids are outside getting a lecture from the vice principal over the intercom. I think, THINK, that the principal does most of the administrative work and the vice principal does most of the interactions with the kids. My dude-co-teacher just walked in, haven’t seen him in here before, EVER. Apparently next week I start teaching with him all week, then switch off with lady-co-teacher. I call them that, because, I have NO CLUE WHAT THEIR NAMES ARE!!!! Well, not a clue on how to pronounce them.

11:31 a.m:

Just got done teaching a 5th grade class, my teacher does this thing where she kinda throws me to the wolves, and doesn’t tell me what we’re going over. I just have to go with it and prononce stuff when she asks.

…or sing/rap some song

I just got informed that there is a teacher meeting out at a restaurant today, well, re-informed as she told me on Monday. So, we’ll see how that goes…should be fun, and good food! My lady-co-teacher told me that she was envious of the popularity I have here, all the kids hanging on me and what not, she’s jealous. Its funny to me cause all I am, am American. I’ve got all this time to fill between the next (and final) class and lunch, after lunch then dinner (like 5 hrs between of whatever I can do), then I must do my best to give a good impression.

12:53 p.m:
Damn, they took my PC and my mac can’t connect online. I’m gonna try to get the co-teacher (either of the sexes) to grab the IT guy to help a brudder out.

So, I’ve got til 4, in which they want me to play volleyball and I forgot my stuff to play! Ah crap I told the co-teacher and she didn’t know what ‘crap’ meant. I also taught her ‘no worries, mate’ and ‘right on.’ She, haha, in her Korean accent was in class today and goes…you guys ready for next lesson?? …right on (sounded just like JR). So freaking funny.

So apparently I was supposed to bring my contract today, and I don’t know why. I’m thinking the principal needs to look it over but, well, I never know whats going on.

1:33 p.m:
Well that was weird, I just filled out something in Korean with my teacher pointing out whats what. I’ve got this alien registration card that is like my new drivers license, and we walked down to an office and I gave them my registration card and my contract. Then they walked around the corner, I heard some Korean yelling (or talking very loud) then the principal came out and gave me my contract. I guess, uh, well, no idea!! Haha I love the little, uh…what? Dude there is nothing to do except write blogs / emails that I pound into bloger or gmail later. I’ve read the entire ESPN magazine and apparently the tech guy is supposed to be coming around.


Just got out of a meeting, annnnnnnd I just heard it again….
에 애들 나도 내 자동차 번호판, ( Mike, Caverly )모자, 의 잡지와 카우보이 그 '우디의 이름이있어 내 5 분 또는 10 분 미사 여구는 그만 할 것이라고 무슨 생각을 바탕으로.
우리는 작은 원숭이 배운, 그리고 곰 큰있습니다. 우리는 노래를했고 노래와 내 동료 교사 그래서 난 내 최선을 다해 랩 그런거 우리가 뭘하고 있었나 노래 버전 내게 강요.

Bahhhh!!! Why’s the principal do that to me?!?! Apparently there’s a big volleyball game today that they want me to go watch!

Anyway, I just got back from scoring volleyball, for 2 hours. I forgot all my stuff to play so I was stuck scoring. Tomorrow I’ll bring everything for sure, my damn foot is killing me for some reason, I think it’s the slippers I wear for 8 hrs a day.

Usually we’re gone by now but today there’s some sort of a dinner that is going on, so we’re gonna run to that and then I assume, be done. I keep getting asked if I like sushi or soju, never had soju, we’ll see I guess.


Haha, dinner was much fun, the principal kept pouring me soju shots and telling me that it’s the “korean whiskey.” It was pretty easy to drink, and didn’t seem to have much alcohol in it, though the Korean’s thought so.

Apparently there’s a custom that you invite someone to take a soju with you, which means they pour it for you, then you shoot it…then you turn around and pour it for them. Its pretty interesting. I didn’t have a lot, but the teachers sure did. They poured me a bunch of half-full shots, it was fun…and the food was amazing. My co-teacher gave me a lift and I was dead (not from the soju, from the day) by the time I got home.

Annnnnnyway, I'm about to bail to a place called New York Bar...cheers!!!

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