Monday, October 12, 2009

Dude, that was a hike!


So, today had no clue what was happening…other than I had to walk to school for the first time. Quite easy, hang a right outside my apartment and walk about a half hour…and I’m there. The only problem was, I had no clue if I was teaching…When I was teaching… and what grades I was teaching…seriously no idea what was going on today…

Well I get to school at like 8:30, see dude-co-teacher at around 10 til 9…he shows me a book (all in Korean) and we walk to class. He says he’ll give me, 10 minutes for my spiel, which I used 5 of…:-\...then we’ll go into the lesson.

First two classes went well, asked the kids: where’s my cap? I’ve got 4 more today…ending the teaching day around 3. Its about quarter til 11 right now and I need to exchange money some how…its not easy telling a cab driver how to get to a bank but that’s why I have co-teachers. They’ll (hopefully) write down ‘I need to go to the bank’, and ‘I need to exchange this money to Korean.’

Honestly, its like a giant game of charades with some of the people here…!

Maybe pictionary? I drew a picture of mountain and pointed to the top of it, when I tried to explain to the cab driver where I wanted to go the other day. They understand “New York Bar” as that’s where all the foreigner’s go…

We’ve got class in like 30 seconds, but my dude-co-teacher’s on ebay…hmmm wonder if we’re gonna go? No idea…ever…they keep me out of the loop. I think his bid is more important…I just found out I don’t teach til 11:40 tomorrow…which means from 9 til almost 12…I’m gonna read or do GRE stuff. Hmmmmmm. 3 (sixth grade) classes tomorrow and I’m done.


Phew…. just got back from lunch…and yes we did go to that class. Dude seriously, I can’t get over the food…or the people. Just how damn nice they are, the way they’ll go out of their way for ya. My co-teacher just wrote down how to get to the bank (in Korean) and what to show the cab driver. Offered me a ride, and to skip class, but I said NO! I’ll just take a cab!

Man, that food was good. I’ve got two 6th grade classes next…no idea (again) what’s going on…I could ask, but probably to no avail. I heard the 6th graders are a bit nuts

…but that’s where my ‘death stare’ comes in.


I’m supposed to be ok to leave work (then come back) to exchange money, or at least that’s what my co-teacher said…no idea if that’s what she was TRYING To say…ugh, seriously, charades! Its fun though, I’ll say that!

Had a great weekend too by the way…Met a whole bunch of foreigners (not that I remember ANYONE’S name) but that’s what facebook is for. There are a bunch of Canadians here, and I met up with a dude named Neil who’s pretty Asian. He looks Asian, walks Asian (not that I know what Asians walk’s looks like, do they call it the ‘funk schwah?) But Neil….knows NOTHING of Korean. Its really funny cause every time we go do anything, the waitresses always talk to him. The people around town look at me, then look back at him…then at me. Like,

….WTF, mate??!?

I’ve got til July 1st apparently to apply to grad school at Florida State…the website didn’t say for which semester that’s for. I’ll be back around Oct next year and well, I don’t wanna start school late and doubt they’ll let me. Haha, oh grad school. How I don’t miss thinking about you. I’m gonna call them in a while, around 9 my time to see what the process would be for applying from over here. Hopefully, I’ll talk to my good friend Patty that I bugged the crap out of last year waaaaaay before I even thought about coming over here.

Band practice has been playing ‘hot cross buns’…all day…on recorders (remember those?!?)

So, 2 minutes til the next class and co-teacher dude said he’d come down to the teacher’s lounge and get me…buuuuuuut…no idea where he’s at. Hm. Oh, there he is…gaw, this is my life…just waiting waiting…then BAM lets go teach


Holy crap! So just exchanged all the American finances I’ve got and…well, my bank (Nongyop) is closed til 5:30 today…I didn’t know they take siestas here... I exchanged my money, all gravy, put 1300 American bucks into won, as I finally realized that its useless here so…

I’ve got 1.6 million in my backpack right now!!

Ok, its won, but I still felt like a hard arse when the lady had to go get more cash from the back. Mwahahaha. Yeah, we’re gonna take a cab home as

a) I’m beat from teaching all day
b) I’m lazy (as ya know)
c) well, I’ve got a lot of cash on me that needs to go to the bank!

Anyway, today was long but apparently tomorrow’s gonna be longer with the next group of 6th graders. Usually when kids are messing around (like any kid does) I just go stand by them and they knock it off. With these 12, 13 year olds it’s a bit different. They’re little wankers! Well, that’s not a quote from me, from this British dude earlier this weekend. They are…wankers. They, wank my patience. (don’t go there, that’s dirty!)

Ew. But naw dude, they’re crazy. A bunch of them are excited to use their English, the others are so intimidated about being around someone who is fluent. Same with the teachers here, the gym teacher (the same one that they’re trying to hook me up with) just said hello, how was class?

…I’m like dude, checklist is getting lower!

If she CAN speak English, brother gonna give her a chance. But, shes like 6’2”…soooooooo I gotta bail on her. Sorry lady. My lady co-teacher is a very loud typer…I’m not sure what the teachers ‘actually’ do from the end of their teaching time (round 1) til 5:00…I’m just kinda following the lead and flipping through papers every once in a while. Usually I read a psyche journal or two (cause I’m a nerd) but today has been too crazy to do that. I’ve got 3 hrs before I have to teach tomorrow, so I’m gonna read a lot tomorrow…prolly Wednesday and Thursday too.

Anyway, I'm off to a staff meeting...where I hear Korean for like a half hour...good times. then 30 minute walk home...

cheers from mokpo!

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