8:43 a.m.
The Kids are FREAKING ADORABLE!!!! Hi, HEY, Hi, whats your name?!?
Seriously the kids crack me up, they’re always yelling HEY, HI, WHAT’S YOUR NAME?!? OHHHHH, FOREIGNER!!! OHHH AMERICA COOL!

One kid yesterday when I showed him a pic of Peyton Manning goes…
“That your brother?!? Haha, I wish!” (ok, not that one)
Wait, that would make ME….Eli Manning…or their older brother who like, broke off his achillies tendon in High School. Ew…(yup, just googled that, cause I don’t know what to do). It would kinda suck being Eli, be honest with ya…)
9:02 a.m.
Ah, sigh….getting to school with NO CLUE what’s going on…gotta love it. I got here around 8:30, saw a whole bunch of teachers sprinting in so I bailed on my coffee and went in. Everyone’s just chilling, home girl co-teacher is typing away (very loudly) and gym teachers are looking at ebay.
Took a cab today that cost around 3 bucks, took me like 10 minutes…got breakfast at Paris Bagggggggggets and it twas amazing!!!! It was this little roll that had some butterscotch stuff inside. Num, freaking nums!!!!
I don’t teach til 11:40 today so apologies if this blog is a bit long, I’ve got nada to do so you may hear (read) a little more than ya wanted. (don’t be dirty)
Seriously, I’m concerned about what to do for 2 hrs. I figure when I pull up a psyche article and type a blog that it LOOKS like I’m being productive. As far as my own agenda, I am being quite the ‘productive pete’ but I have no clue about what the school wants me to do…my co-teacher’s tell me to just relax, so I assume they’re right?
Hmmmmm….wait something very interesting is happening. Who types while they’re listening to someone talking…really, who does that! It is perfect typing though….!
Holy crap that was ACTUALLY perfect typing…aaaanyway
Hm, just found out that I do nothing today…well that from home girl co-teacher. home boy co-teacher is (naturally) no where to be found…Apparently there’s a big test today. Funny conversation that went like this…
Home girl co-teacher: Ohhh, Micharrr, you are here!
Me: Yeah, good to see you (I said that verrrrrrrry slowly)
Home girl co-teacher: are you going to enter these classes (as she points to the schedule)
Me: uh, yeah, I have to teach those
Home girl co-teacher: well, its all decided by your aldskfja; teacher
Me: oh, so, do I teach today?
Home girl co-teacher: alkdsfja;lsdkjf
Gym teacher: alskdfjal;sdkfj
Me: uhhhh….
Home girl co-teacher: Oh, I envy you!!
Me: uhhh…?
Then they go sit down…and get back on ebay
Haha, man…I’m confused!
This is part of what’s so damn cool about this experience!!!
- Never have a clue what’s being said on my behalf…
- Never have a clue what’s going on.
(oh whats going on, I said hey hey hey hey…damnit now that’s gonna be stuck in my head all day)
- Not being able to socialize and/or suck up to the principal
(who’s daughter goes to UT by the way…he calls it Texas University, but I know what he means…hopefully I can get a letter of rec from him and show UT that I have some sort of odd connection)
Hm, really wanna know what’s up. But, I guess if I don’t know ‘whats up’ then there’s no need to worry about it and/or stress about the day?
10:10 a.m.
Grand plan: Come home from Korean in October…go to grad school in January.
Where??? Lets find out, its time to get on the googler.
10:44 a.m.
Why don’t grad school list when they want their applications…? What kind of program it is…? URRR!!! I love how my biggest worry in Korea right now is deadlines for grad schools…sigh. I’m gonan do some more googil-izing
Just found out though, that our Christmas break starts the day before Christmas eve. I had no idea if it was the same ‘eve’ as America. So I made a dumb:
(me): You mean Dec. 24th?
(Homeboy co-teacher): …yeah
11:08 a.m.
Just tried to use skype on my iPod, as there’s not much to do right now. Home skillet co-teacher comes over to me and goes…
Homeboy co-teacher: you have schedule?
Me: Yeah, yeah, here it is
Homeboy co-teacher: 6th grade, change…you, I get you…1:20
(Circles 3 classes on the schedule, draws a line to Saturday’s slot)
Homeboy co-teacher: You, see?
Me: Oh, you want me to teach those on Saturday?
Homeboy co-teacher: No, you, thank you, but you don’t come
Me: I don’t have to come Saturday
Homeboy co-teacher: No, no…
Hmmmmmmmmmmmm…..interesting. I thought NO teaching today…hmmmm
Then I showed him pictures of pookey and I…
Homeboy co-teacher: Oh, haha, awwwwwhhaaaahaha
Me: Yeah…she’s adorable
Homeboy co-teacher: Adora?? Whaaa??
Me: Cute!
Homeboy co-teacher: Oh, adorrr---adorr---adorable…mean…cute?
Me: yeah, yeah!!
Ya’d think the people teaching English would know English…haha
Meh, its all good…its always an adventure when they’ve got to tell me something. They’re pretty good at the ‘teaching part’ of English, not so good at the ‘speaking part’ of English.
So apparently I teach just one class today, then 3 tomorrow…then Thursday 2 classes, then Friday 3??? I assume?? Bahah, ya know how you’re NOT supposed to presume anything, like…ever?
Come to Korea, then talk to me…
Haha, good times…Mk, so between now and lunch (1 hr away) and lunch and class (20 minute break)…and class and 5…(3 hrs)…I’m gonna be reading psyche journals…I guess. Maybe, blog a little more when funny stuff happens. For real, sorry this one’s so long…I just don’t know what to do today!!!
Dwoode, the kids have to come to class Saturday! That sucks!! They had a big huge test today so I guess the administration just wants to…make them work harder?
The high schoolers go from 9 in the a.m. til 10 at night…there are theories that say that is why there is no crime here. Kids are in school all day and they’re too tired to be hooligans!
I guess…Its my theory….?
12:02 p.m.
Jesus Dad, no wonder you’ve been teaching so long. Is this what ya do? Just hang around in your office and wait for your son to scare ya? Then bum money off ya? Then tell ya to clean up your office?
…oh booger
haha, just kidding DAD!!! I know I’m a ‘stinker’
It’s a joke…J slash K
For real, that was how long my deep breath was…haha, no class today apparently.
Just went for a bit of a stroll cause the weather is AMAZING! (like 65 right now) enjoy the heat!!!. And I saw homeboy co-teacher who said…I teach just one class tomorrow, no classes today…3 Thursday with him (that will most likely change) And uh, no idea Friday.
Just got my health insurance from home girl co-teacher. I can use it at any hospiarrrrr, haha! Sweet! Now when I fall down stairs and break out my teeth, put a big gash in my hand I can have my health insurance. Bahah, JUST KIDDING.
There are not many stairs here…this is a good thing!

man, my teeth really look good...( i mean now ;) )
12:39 p.m.
My GOD! Have you ever said that while you’re eating??? Dude ok, so I go to eat, expecting a fantastic meal as always. And today, it was ‘pizza day at school’ for me!!!!
They had this meal, with cooked beef…corn and cilantro/onions all mixed together in some red sauce. Holy. Crap.
Then you take the meat, put a little asdlkfj sauce on, wrap it in lettuce (like normal size piece of lettuce off a head of lettuce), and eat the whole thing. Oh dear GOD go to a Korean restaurant and try it. THEN!!! There was a sandwich of…egg, jelly and ham. Dude, try it. For real, it twas amazing.
THEN the soup!!! It was fish (bone in) with chopped onions, cilantro in beef broth. Wow. Just. Wow. All the food is fresh…Its caught, then taken to the port (10 minutes away) then to the market (next door) then to the cafeteria (downstairs)…to my mouth (on my face) to my belly (behind my ‘oddly distinct’ 4 pack)
That’s why its so good. Some of the fish is still swimming when it gets here. Which reminds me, when the principal offered me octopus…that was still moving. But, still….aaaaaamazing. GO TO A KOREAN RESTAURANT!!! (watch out for the dog though…I mean that)
Oh my goodness…as for my title, I just picked up a pair of chopsticks and went to TOWN on the rice…its kinda clumpy so pretty easy to eat. Just shovel it in. All the sudden I know how to use chopsticks.
Just…reading dallascowboys.com….man apparently the cowboys are just…terrible!! I’m glad I’m not watching them right now! Glad I didn’t watch the red sox blow a lead yesterday too. Back to the psychology of “why the cowboys suck.”
Just got back from the convenient store down the street, grabbed an ‘energy drink’ packed with vitamin c. No idea what I just drank. But I do feel a litttttle more energized. That’s what 6 cups of coffee will do for ya, coffee crash is rough after lunch!
The teacher’s have coffee but its like this mocha stuff ya throw in a shot glass…its like 6 ounces of nothing. Their tea is amazing though, non-caffeinated…Just peed too, isn’t that cool? Haha….and, well…
…I honestly just figured out what the trash can is for in the stalls. Ew.
I’ll let your imagination run wild on that one. Its really funny to me for some reason when people speak Korean to me, as if I have a clue. I stroll into this store, leather jacket and sunglasses. I’m pale white, do ya think I know Korean?? Haha, well I guess I’m here so I better at least make you think I do. Its really funny too when I watch teachers tell eachother stories, I feel like I can tell whats going on based off their expressions. THANKS CAL LIGHTMAN!!!
(quick test, whos cal lightman?)
At dinner the other night, I taught one of the gym teachers how to ‘pound it’ or ‘dap it.’ Every time he comes into the room, or I come in…or he leaves, or I leave…he puts up his knuckles. Its his way of saying…what up…braaaaaaaaa
So home girl co-teacher lady just gave me something that looks like a walnut, and a bowl of some rice and…chocolate stuff, weird stuff, I dunno. The walnut (not to be confused with ‘wallet’) looking thing you bite right into. Due to my teeth debacle, I cannot bite strait into it! I’ve gotta say, it tastes..uh nutty with a hint of mashed potatoes. Mhm!
Now just had a rice ball, very…rubbery. Not bad though.
In case you can’t tell, I’ve had nothing to do today. Sorry about the length, you may just be very bored by now and give up! I wouldn’t blame ya…I’ve found ways to entertain myself, shoot…just read a few articles of psychology…quite interesting. But, that’s about all I got, I’m gonna catch a cab home because there’s a bunch of people playing soccer today around my school…so I’ll go show them how to do it…bahaha
Cheers from Mokpo!!!