Friday, October 16, 2009

Crazy days...!

10:08 a.m.

So I got to school around 8:30 again this morning and had a strawberry bread…destert …thingey for breakfast. Its really healthy, I know. Ok, I had 4…don’t judge - freaking amazing. Pretty filling too!!! Just found out that instead of teaching one class at 11:40 today, I’ll teach from 10:50 til 12:20…2 classes. One 4th grade class and one 6th grade class.

Pardon my spelling/grammar, I turned off all the annoying features of word that tells you ‘you suck at writing’ and underlines every word that you spelled wrong.

…hm, I’m here to teach english and I turned off something that shows me where I messed up, using…english…:-\

Just got a facebook note from the regional supervisor dude for Canadaian Connections here, he said ‘its kinda a go with the flow mentality, you’ve got to keep that in your head, those who don’t – don’t do very well here.’ Haha, I’m glad I developed that over my 23 years of life…He said that one person emailed him, said, “I was so mad that they didn’t tell me I had the day off…blah blah blah.” He goes, dude, you’re mad cause you’ve got the day off?!?!?

Its hard to plan for each day, cause, I have no clue what happs each day. Its fun in a weird way cause it doesn’t allow me to stress out until right before. Which is a good thing I guess…theres no point in worrying about the next day, cause theres (literally) nothing to worry about…I have no clue WHAT to worry about, so, hm…I dunno!

There was a bunch of Korean spoken right before they decided that I teach twice today…

Now apparently instead of teaching twice tomorrow with homeboy, I teach twice with homegirl and twice with homeboy…I really need to learn how to say their names…:-\... By the way, apparently I’m 24 over here…I only lost ONE day, so…hmmmmmmm, does that mean I’m 60 when I get back?

Chris (canadian connections chris) also said that usually the teachers stick with you all year. Chances are that they’ll be around, so I may not have to teach alone…alone alone…while I’m here. Though apparently I take ‘conrol’ of one class on Monday, and that’s the class I teach alone. Just give me a CD and I can do it, its just a matter of getting the CD that I’ve gotta fix.

12:31 p.m.

Just got out of the two classes I teach today, no idea if more are coming but I’m sure I’ll get AT LEAST a 5 minutes heads up…haha. So had a funny moment in class just now, then a funny moment when dude co-teacher was leaving for the day…

So, I go to class I’m teaching, I’m talking, I’m talking VERY slooooowwwaaahhhh. Homie tells me to write on the board, Can you help me please? Then the answers the movie gave… “no problem, of course, and…sure, no problem.” We go through all the phrases then he goes points to the board at ‘no problem’ and says: ‘what else?’ So I wrote down, ‘what else.’ Apparently he meant, what other answers do you give to ‘will you help me please.’ Its kinda hard for me not to use the slang I’d usually use if someone asked me ‘will you help me please?’ Though these kids kinda need to learn less formal english, we need to start with formal…I guess…? So I thought: no worries…yeah whats up?...with what? Stuff like that…so I finally wrote down, sure, what do ya need?

And I wrote ‘you’ as ‘ya’

Didn’t realize it till after class…haha whoooops!

Oh well…then came the funnier moment. I was saying bye to dude co-teacher as I helped him with a few boxes. When I was saying, bye I was doing the wave and walk backwards ‘see ya later’ dance…and this poor OLD (like deathbed old) lady was standing in my ‘see ya later’ dance…I knocked her poor, old, crippled, no spine, punk but down!!! I FELT SO, SO, SO, SO BAD!!!!

She got up leaped a freaking frog, and goes I so sorry! I so sorry! I was like, no no, my fault!!!! She kinda hit my face (in like a italian mafia boss kinda way) and said: no no, my fault!

Then she gave me a ‘thatta boy’

Like the NFL players do…right on the booty. Gave it a few smacks, then a little grab…then one more smack just to feel it again. Mhmmm, got felt up by a lady who can’t even walk. Good for me.

So my goal today is to see if…
a) its cool to run down to the coffee shop, 5 minutes away and grab a coffee after lunch.
b) get my address from lady co-teacher (ive got my theory of what it is written, she can correct it if its wrong…rather than playing cherades on ‘address.’
c) find out when I get paid (should be the 25th or the 14th…no clue (but when do I)

I’ve got 4 hrs and 18 minutes to get these answers…I hope I can pull it off haha. The violin class is playing hot cross buns now…they went from recorders to violins, good times…I’m gonna have to start making up lyrics to that DAMN SONG!!!

Not as bad as…Who is lelia, who is lelia? Shes my friend, shes my friend…OHHHHH SHEEESSSSS MY FRIIIIIIIEEEENNNNNNDDDaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

5th grade song…stuck in my head since last week. One of the other english teachers I met this weekend said the same thing…they’re quite catchy…I’ll admit that.


So, when can I eat?? Apparently everyone’s got their own lunch time. I don’t wanna go when I’m not supposed to, that’d be bad. Ah crap, its like 1:45…annnnd

I forgot about lunch, I was too busy reading about the redsox.


Seriously, who forgets about lunch. I just got back from a restraunt around the corner, I ran down to the cafeteria and they didn’t have anything still there…but its all gravy. My co-teachers FORCED me to go eay! Haha, oh they’re funny. That meal was good, just noodles and meat. Good stuff though. Hope it wasn’t like…cat or something. Wait, I hate cats, I hope it WAS cat…MWAHAHAHA…I’m KIDDING!!! Calm down…!

What if it was a black cat, that’d be some pretty bad luck…talk about karma

Anyway, I’ll be going down to rose street, which is where a bunch of restaurants are and stuff. My buddy Joe’s gonna meet me there and we’re gonna go to some chinese place. Num nums. Well, that’s all I got, unless something crazy happens within the next 3 hrs, I’m done.


1 comment:

Dave Caverly said...

Wow, quite a gustatory experience. Lots of interesting food, soju competitions for who can keep up with the principal, and fun teaching. Don't you just love other cultures?

Sounds like you are blending in. Might want to look for more comfortable slippers to help your feet. You are not used to being on your feet all day.

Glad the money conversion worked out. Can you get a debit card there, or a credit card you pay off each month, rather than having all the money with you? Sorry, it is hard getting the father out of me :-)

You certainly seem to be adjusting. I am so envious of you and all the new experiences you are having. Great pictures too.

Enjoy every day and try to learn one new Korean word per day!
